This is week two of this class and there still hasn’t been that much writing. I got all good comments on my storytelling for week 1. So I would say that is my best writing so far, even though I wrote the story last year. I have been really struggling with trying to come up with topics for my storybook this week. There are so many options that I cannot narrow it down. I know I would like to write about a fairytale or trickster but I cannot find the story I want to base it off of. This has been causing me major problems. I did ask for some help from our teacher. So hopefully she will be able to lead me in the right direction. My other classes are up and going. I have already done two lab assignments and did a homework that is due this week. I can tell I am going to be very busy in the next couple of weeks and I hope I can stay a week ahead in this class. I would like to keep getting more and more ahead but other classes will be the deciding factor. I should be able to do that as long as I plan my time wisely and stay focused. I got to read a couple new peoples introductions and it was crazy to see where they came from. Both people traveled to Oklahoma for college. I think that takes a lot of guts to be able to move away from everyone you know. I considered going out of state for school but when the final decision came I stayed right here in Oklahoma. I applaud them for their bravery. I have not really had a lot of time to watch the news or read anything in the newspaper. I hope my semester keeps going well.

Busy Beaver
Colton- I already commented on you introduction, so I have chosen to comment on your famous last words as I thoroughly enjoy reading them. I can totally relate to this week’s famous last words. As I too felt the same struggle in having to narrow down your thoughts on how much you want to write and all the ideas jumping around in your hair. Despite the fact that you said you had difficulty narrowing things down I personally think you did a great job. Your re-telling of psyche and cupid was spot on.