Your site looks pretty good. The cover page picture pretty much captures the idea behind Cupid, and the caption does a good job explaining him to the mythologically uninitiated. The pictures on the introduction page are also well-chosen and give the audience a good mental image of some of the characters they will be dealing with.
Now moving onto content. You had me with "Judge Poseidon.” What an awesome concept! I love how you play off the idea of modern court dramas with this storybook premise. It’s really cool how you show mainly the dialogue being spoken on the drama and let much of the actual physical details being shown on it get filtered through the descriptions of the narrator. The narrator’s voice, in my opinion, is the shining point of your introduction. I love his attitude, and how his bias against Cupid colors his view of the events occurring on the show. You also seem to be well caught up with your Greek mythology, given how you have all the right set pieces in place with regards to gods and goddesses that have some manner of affiliation with Cupid. Overall, I am really looking forward to seeing the direction you take this storybook. I’m especially eager to read more of the snarky commentary by the narrator as he watches the trial progress.
Hi Colton. Upon clicking on you page. I thought that you have done a great job so far. I use of background and pictures is amazing. It really goes hand in hand. I really like the simplicity of you choices yet keeping it very elegant for the story genre you have chosen. Great use of image on your home page. I also like the text you have used as it is very easy to read as you are not leaving your readers sitting there trying to make up the words. Your introduction is spot on! I really enjoyed how you have opened it with a story right away. The use of the tv over voice as breaking news is phenomenal. Also I liked how you opened your story with questions and also setting the time of year. Great job. The essence of revenge in your introduction is also very thrilling. It makes you asks questions like “ wow is it that bad that he/she wants to see cupid go down because he failed to show?” it really makes you want to read on. One thing that really stood out to me is how you wrote the dialect between the characters. You set it up like reading a script. All in all I think you have done a great job so far.
Hello. I really like your Storybook. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Introduction. I didn't jump into the first story yet, as I figure I will save it for later in the semester. I didn't read this story during the Greek mythology unit, so it was definitely a new story for me to explore. I thought the introduction was a great setup and was a cool way to get the ball rolling on the story. However, I'm really confused as to who the narrator is and the desire to know who it is is bugging the crap out of me.
I also really like the way it is scripted out. Not like a novel, but more of the minutes of an actual court case. However, my only catch is that the narrator's thoughts don't necessarily fit into the scripted format. Other than that, it is a great start, and I look forward to the rest of your Storybook the rest of the semester. Keep up the good work!
Hey Colton, I visited your storybook project page today and was able to read both the introduction and Jupiter's Story. Firstly I thought your template and the title were very fitting for the overall project. I love the television show format and especially the storyline that goes along with it, the person who is watching the show. I also read the unit on Cupid and Psyche and enjoyed the storyline very much, and I can see how you assumed cupid's acts. I thought it was pretty neat how you left the gender of the person watching the television show up to the reader; it's nice to be able to be creative and make the story our own. Cupid is such a classic character, its refreshing to see him being accused and on trial for being a trickster and using his power (arrows) for selfish acts. In addition, I felt that your author’s note greatly helped the reader understand your vision for the storybook. I know it provided valuable information for those that have not read Cupid and Psyche. I cannot wait to see what Venus will have to say about Cupid’s acts and if Cupid will be guilty or not?!
Colton, the very first sentence of your story captured my attention! I had previously thought, based off the cover page and title that this would be about Cupid and his love stories. However, you turned it into what seems to be a great comedy ahead. The introduction was very funny and relatable. I think all of us at some point have been in those shoes! There are so many that wonder why we have not been shot by cupids arrow so I think you are going to have a lot of readers that are on the narrators side! You did a great job on hinting at what was going to happen through out your storybook in the future without giving too much detail. The first story was interesting because it was Cupid’s dad going against him in trial. How different! I think it is good that you used people to be witnesses in trial that know first hand how cupid is and that he has affected them as well. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the witness’ stories and to see what the verdict is by the judge. I hope they can put Cupid away forever so he can stop using his arrows for bad!
So I am just now getting back to you on a comment that you had left me on 9/26 (I'm sorry, I am scattered brained at times)! Just as a reminder, you asked me if the challenges that I had included in my week 6 storytelling (The Monkey Wife) were my own or taken from the original tale. The challenges, making the food and the robe, were my own but the robe was inspired by the original tale where the king asked for decorative clothing. I came up with the food idea since I love to cook, and I had already talked about bananas in the story. Again, I am so sorry that I am getting back to you now, but thank you for being engaged and interested in my story! It shows me that you were thinking beyond the text!
I really like the background and image that you have chosen for your cover page! I read the unit Cupid and Psyche the second week of class, and I am excited to see what you have in mind for you Storybook!
The style you have chosen for your story is one that I have not seen, good job on creativity! The layout of the text reminds me of reading a play. I definitely feel sorry for whoever is watching the broadcast, and it is very interesting to see Cupid put on trial for all the infidelity and heartbreak that he has caused.
I know which part you are talking about, in you author’s note, where Jupiter is granting Cupid and Psyche their marriage although Cupid has hurt him many times. The unit of Cupid and Psyche is a pretty large one. The fact that you could take such a small conversation, and turn it into a new story was great! You did a great job, and I like how you left the person on the couch anonymous. This allows the reader to imagine themselves in their position.
Hi Colton, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the helpful feedback you have given me in your comments! You have commented on a couple of my post and the feedback is always very thorough and specific. This has helped me notice small things that could really change my story or essay that I've written. Thank you again!
Thanks colton for your comments on my Moon King story. It was cool that we kinda wrote about the same topic. Thank you for all your feedback and I am looking to read more of your stories.
Hey Colton, the first thing I notice when your storybook loaded was the background image. I think it is very fitting for your topic. When I think of Cupid, there is always a sense of mystery surrounding. Your background picture of stars depicts that well. It also makes me think of people who get lost in admiration of the stars themselves. I really like the caption on top of the picture that you included on your cover page. It does a good job of describing how you want to convey cupid in a short amount of words. After reading the introduction I was a little confused as to why Cupid was on trial. I am not that knowledgeable on Cupid so I don't really know of what his mischief's are. Maybe you could include a listing of charges being brought against him so as the reader I understand what the upcoming stories will be about. I found the style that you are writing the storybook to be both extremely creative and intriguing. It is like a Judge Judy show.
In the introduction you say that Venus and Jupiter are Cupid's parents. However, in Jupiter's story, he says that "Cupid is like a son to me." So are Jupiter and Venus really his parents? Or do they just know Cupid really well. Jupiter's story gives a good account of how Cupid hurts the people around him. Overall I really like the idea of your storybook! I am interested to see how it continues!
Hi, Colton! I'm not actually in your storybook group, but when I saw the title of your storybook, I couldn't resist! I've always felt that Cupid was a bit of a jerk, I mean all of the gods and goddesses have their moments, but he really likes to toy with people's emotions so it was funny to see that he was going to be held accountable for his mischief. All joking aside, I think you did a wonderful job with your storybook as a whole. I think my favorite part, though, is your use of the person on the couch who serves as a sort of Greek chorus throughout the courtroom drama. I like how you've used him to give commentary on the action - it allows me as a reader to really consider the story from each has as the person has. There is no clearly guilty party in this tale which the person seems to recognize, so his commentary and inner struggle helps the reader to decide for him or herself. I also really like the images you've used of the different gods. I really like to be able to picture characters as I am reading stories, so your images were really helpful. I truly enjoyed your storybook and I will be sure to check in soon to hear the verdict!
I really like your storybook idea. I can definitely relate to the character watching TV haha. I read Cupid and Psyche way back in the beginning of this semester so I don't remember everything but I think you did a really good job. I like that it's like a Judge Judy kind of show, at least that's what it reminds me of. Since your main character is very relatable in your introduction it definitely made me want to keep reading to find out what happens. I also like that you used voice-over and plenty of detail so it was like watching it with this person. I also read your first story, Jupiter's Story. This is the part of Cupid and Psyche that I can sort of remember. I really like how you are telling it from Jupiter's point of view. In Cupid and Psyche, Cupid sounds like such a sweet guy that just disobeys his mother by marrying a human but he's actually a bit of a jerk. It's nice to see how they felt during this time. I like your coverpage too. I like that the image portrays Cupid as really nice but he's on trial for torturing people. The glittery stars background is also very fitting for Cupid.
Colton, This whole story book has me hooked. I really like the way you have your website set up. It feels kind of other worldly, which is what I would expect from a TV show about the Greek gods. The photo on your cover page already makes me think that Cupid is a trouble maker, because he definitely looks like he is up to something. I was really excited to see what your introduction would set up.
Your idea of a lonely mortal watching Cupid be put on trial on Valentine's day is awesome. Everyone wants to blame someone else for problems in their love lives, so why wouldn't they want to blame Cupid, the god of love. I like that you have the mortal commenting on the show as it plays out. I think we all comment on whatever we're watching, whether we say it out loud or not haha. The only thing that I'd say about your Introduction is that you mix the Greek and Roman names for the gods. Poseidon is Greek, but Jupiter is Roman. Just a thought, because I really liked your Introduciton.
I also liked Jupiter as the first witness. As the most powerful god, you'd think that he would have easily been able to overcome Cupid. However, I guess the saying is true that love conquers all haha. The dialogue and everything else you're doing is great. Keep it up!
I thought it was very fitting to put Cupid on trial on Valentine’s Day on a court-TV style show. The entire scenario is perfect and so relatable because I sometimes find myself watching ridiculous television and being lazy when I have too much free time.
The notes in italics depicting what is going through the narrator’s mind are absolutely perfect. I was just picturing someone eating ice cream on their couch when they said, “I really need to pull my life together.” Very humorous!
Have you thought about getting pictures in a courtroom? That might add to the realism of the story. The entire idea of Cupid torturing people with love is relatable to many people in our generation because it seems like everyone our age has made it their priority to find a spouse and some of them tend to blame outside factors on whether or not they are with someone. Especially in young women and the influence of romantic comedies.
In true reality court television form, you have a twist in which Cupid’s mother is to blame for his bad behavior. However, will the court blame Cupid for his actions or let him off due to his mother’s influence? I am interested to find out!
I love your Storybook so far! The way you set it up as being in a courtroom is brilliant! I like the use of court jargon and the case against Cupid itself is awesome! I especially love your Storybook because I think everyone secretly hates Cupid for their love problems or lack thereof. Deep down, we always scapegoat Cupid. He very much so deserves to stand trial. I really hope Hera loses the case...even though she's freaking awesome and confident. I do think that using Venus against Cupid is a great idea because when a mother testifies against her son, you know without a doubt that the situation is dire. So crazy. In your author's not you said that you left the gender of the couch person open to interpretation. I was kind of surprised when I read that because the entire time I was reading, I thought it was a guy sitting there and I could have sworn you had said it was a male. I went back to double check and sure enough, you hadn't said anything about the person! Haha I can also imagine this as a Judge Judy scene. Everything in your Storybook is playing out in my head perfectly! You're doing an awesome job and I really can't wait to find out the fate of Cupid and whether or not Jupiter will be able to punish the arrow shooter ever again!
I am glad I got the opportunity to look through your storybook project! I picked your project as my free choice this week because I was very intrigued by the title. Putting Cupid, someone who a lot of people might admire for bringing lovers together, on trial is a very interesting and creative idea. I really like the picture and the background that you chose for your cover page, they are really fitting for the Cupid theme.
You did a really nice job of pulling me in with your introduction! I liked that you set the stage by introducing the prosecution’s and the defense’s witnesses. Also, I like the writing style you have chosen. Setting up the dialogue and everything as it would be in a script of a play makes it very easy to follow along and know exactly who is speaking. This was very helpful since there are quite a few different characters!
I read through both of your stories and really enjoyed both of them. You did a good job of keeping the stories concise and to the point without depriving the reader of important or descriptive details. You have done a wonderful job so far, and I am looking forward to reading the remaining two stories!
There was just one little thing that I found that needed to be fixed. In the first story, the second sentence of Jupiter’s story, the word “come” should be changed to “came”. I had to really nitpick to find that, so good job!
Hi Colton! Your storybook is one I have to comment on this week. Since I have not read your storybook before, I am going to be commenting on your coverpage, introduction, and first story. First, I really like the color scheme and background to your storybook. I think the starry scene goes greatly with your story about Cupid being on trial. I also really like that your storybook is set up in such a way that makes me feel like I am the person sitting on the couch watching this trial go down on TV, and after reading your Author's Note, that seems to be the way you wanted it to be. And you are right, not specifying the gender of the person watching the trial on TV allows for everyone to be able to relate to this story. I like that you set up your storybook in your introduction by telling us who was going to be on trial but not necessarily telling us why. That was a great way to allow for mystery and drawing the reader in! I also like that there was back and forth dialogue between the people and the court room, and the person sitting on the couch kept adding their two cents! Haha reminds me of people who talk to the TV or themselves. I only read Jupiter's story, but I like that the storybook is set up to where each page in your storybook will be a page about someone testifying in the trial for Cupid. Great job on your storybook so far and I can't wait to read more!
Hi Colton, I think the scheme you chose for your storybook is really good in relation to Cupid. It is mystical and reminds me of the love cherub. I like the image you chose for your coverpage and the description since I loved that unit a lot! Maybe using a purple text color would go better with the color scheme instead of the blue, just to match things a little bit. The introduction is very unique. It is a style I have not seen yet so I am intrigued as to the narrator’s thoughts and the way you’ve set up the T.V. voices. I like that the narrator does not like Cupid and it being Valentine’s Day really adds to the extra bitterness.
The first story made me feel so bad for poor Jupiter. He seems like a genuine parent and Cupid is such a trouble maker! For Venus’ story I definitely remember the original so I think it is interesting that you wrote her character in a way that wasn’t so brutal! I like that you still kept some of the details though from the original and made it clear that Cupid did not follow orders and married Psyche!
I think you have a really unique storybook! It is unlike any others I have read so far and I am interested in reading more.
Hey Colton! Your coverpage looks pretty good, and I'm glad you've chosen a more classical image to go along with it. By the way, is there anyway you can reduce the amount of white that's displayed around the image? It'd be nice if you could get to use some of the space that is unused.
In your introduction, I like how you use italics to delineate where you are speaking as a spectator. Such a technique works well as it is not clunky. Since the story is taking place on a television show, I understand why you included descriptions of what the characters were physically doing between lines of dialogue. At first I was a little skeptical, but now I have become more comfortable with it.
It's interesting to see how Cupid could have such an effect over the ruler of the gods. I like how you describe the anguish he experienced as "torture." I think it's appropriate given the circumstances surrounding Cupid's motivations. By the way, is there any reason you chose Poseidon as the judge? I was half-expecting to see Jupiter up there on the bench. Still, I don't think that's something you need to change, necessarily. Good work!
I like your intro! I think that the style is pretty unique, what with the reader viewing what happens on the TV while the narrator interjects from time to time with his thoughts. Also, it’s pretty funny that the narrator completely hates Cupid, and it makes me curious whether his wish will come true and Cupid will lose the trial.
I liked Jupiter’s testimony, and I actually thought that you retold one of Jupiter’s stories of his dealings with Cupid until I read the author’s note. You had Cupid come up with a pretty inventive punishment for Venus and Jupiter, and I thought it really worked here! His testimony does make Cupid seem like a bad person, which is what the prosecution is obviously going for. As for the dialogue on the television, it flowed well and sounded natural. And the internal dialogue of the narrator added humor to the situation.
As for the second story, I thought it was interesting (though it was too bad that the narrator didn’t have as many chances to interject with his thoughts). When I read it, I thought that Venus was just being her fairly egotistical and prideful self when she testified for the prosecution, accidently making Cupid look good. But it makes sense that she made herself look bad on purpose (the wink should have probably tipped me off) for the reasons you said in your author’s note.
Another thing…I don’t mean to be rude, and it’s not something that I realized until the end of reading all three stories, but half the names of the characters are Roman and half are Greek. It’s really not obvious, so I don’t think it really matters whether or not you stick with one civilization. I just thought I’d point it out.
Anyways, this was really good overall! Keep it up!
Colton, you made some good choices on your cover page. The sparkly background was eye-catching, but not distracting. The image you chose was interesting and suitable for your storybook theme. The font was nothing fancy, but it was very readable, which I appreciated. The introduction, which you set up as an outsider watching Cupid’s trial on television, read really smoothly and made it clear where the stories in your story book were probably going to head. I’m glad you included the italicized thoughts or inner monologue of the narrator. I think that brought some life to your introduction. I appreciate that you included multiple images as well.
I liked how your stories seemed like natural continuations of your introduction. That being said, all the things I liked about your introduction were things I liked about your stories as well. You included pictures, internal monologue, actions that were happening on the television, etc. Your stories/testimonies were pretty convincing. I’m glad you included your author’s notes. Those helped clear up the issues I had while reading your stories. You wrote Cupid to seem like a true troublemaker, and this makes the readers sympathetic for all those he has hurt, especially Jupiter.
Colton, I love what you did with your storybook to put Cupid on trail for his wrongdoings. Your introduction was very clever in having it be a T.V. show with a lonely person on Valentine's day becoming engrossed in the trail. You did an excellent job of switching back a forth and not having the reader get confused. By putting the TV viewer's thoughts in italics it helps separate it from the trail. It was also smart to include the parenthesis when describing the proceedings of the court trail and the actions of the judge. Your introduction set the scene perfectly for the stories to come.
I read the Psyche's Story for this week so will provide my feedback on that story. I like how you had the comments of the characters with their names and colons rather than quoting each person and trying to make it dialogue within a story. It definitely helped to make the reading less difficult to follow. One suggestion would be to maybe put the picture captions at the bottom, or put another line of space between the caption and the story. The caption was pretty close to the rest of the story and it looks somewhat crowded. But that is just a minor suggestion. I like how you took the story and kept true to the events but shed it in a light to reflect how each characters interprets the events. I also liked how you continued to include the lonely TV viewer's comments to the trial and set them apart in italics. Great job!
I really like how your introduction page is positioned. I think that you did a great job of allowing the reader to know your theme right away. I like that your picture is centered so it doesn’t draw the eye to the side awkwardly. I also like your color scheme. I think it was beneficial to pick pink and reds, since the story is about cupid.
I love your introduction post and how you were able to introduce so many key characters so quickly. I think all of the pictures you included on this page were great because they allowed the reader to visualize who is being brought to the stand on the witness list. I really like your theme so far and I think its great that you thought to put cupid on the stand for all of his wrongdoings against humanity, especially on Valentines Day!
I love how you have chosen to write in a court sense. I think that since the reader constantly knows who is talking is very strengthening to your story. I think it allows clarity and also makes the story a lot easier to follow. In Jupiter’s story I think it is great that there was a whole story presented showing how cupid had been misusing his powers. I also love how Poseidon is the judge, you always think of him as being a very powerful god. So I find it to be very fitting that he is the one in charge. Overall great job, I had a lot of fun reading your storybook!
Hey Colton! I decided to do the extra credit commenting on the storybooks this week, and because I have already read and commented on your cover page, introduction and first story about Jupiter, I read the second story and will be commenting on that. I like that you picked up in the second story where you left off in the first story. I created a great flow throughout your storybook. I also like the back and forth between what the character is watching on TV and the comments about everything going on in the trial against Cupid. I love getting to hear the personal thoughts of the character, especially when they are struggling with whether they think Cupid deserves punishment for what he has done. You have done a great job so far on your storybook and I can't wait to read the rest of it. I see you already have your third story so I will definitely will be back to read that another time!
Hi again, Colton! I decided to revisit your storybook for my free choice this week because I had so much fun reading it before! I was so glad that you added the story of Cupid and Psyche as told by Psyche. It really does give a totally different outlook on Cupid who is usually just portrayed as this jerk who liked to mess with people's emotions for his own enjoyment or revenge. Here we see that Cupid does actually does have the capacity to truly care for someone else and I really like what you've done with the person on the couch who seems to be realizing that no one is every completely bad. I love how the person on the couch, in general, serves as a sort of inner monologue of all the different ethical aspects of the trial. You've done a wonderful job going back and forth as far as evidence and stories that could either incriminate or absolve Cupid. It is also really great that you've set up the last story to be by Cupid himself. It's clear that this will be either the make or break point so I absolutely can't wait to come back and read what the verdict will be! Your storybook is positively addicting! Great Work!
I'm back! I haven't been to your storybook since Jupiter's testimony and the Introduction. You've done a great job developing your storybook and keeping up with the theme of a TV show! I didn't have to reread your introduction like I do with some other storybooks. I remembered that you had your main character sitting on the couch watching TV on Valentine's Day! It's a very distinctive situation you have set up. I was hoping that Venus would have thrown Cupid under the bus, too, but you have a point in your Author's Note saying that what mother could do that to her son. True point. Also, Venus is a little mean from all the stories I have read about her....maybe she deserves whatever is coming to her and her son. She might be beautiful but she sure has an ugly attitude! I think you're doing a fantastic job and please keep up the good work! I'll be back for the rest of your stories!
I haven't read your storybook yet! I really enjoyed the unit on Cupid so I'm so excited to read more about your take on the topic in this storybook. Your overall look of your blog is good. It is simple and easy to follow so that is definitely good. I think you have a great use of images as well. I rarely use more than one image per story, but I thought your use of more than one is really good!
Your introduction was awesome. It was a different writing style than what I have ever read so it was very interesting. I liked that you took it as a TV interview in a courtroom, rather than just a story in a book. This made your introduction very fun to read and kept my interest.
The stories in your storybook are also really great. I loved that you weren't afraid to make these ancient Greek stories more modern through the use of your unique writing style in your book. I am always so afraid to change the plots of stories, but I liked that you were able to expand on these stories in your storybook. Great job!
I must say that you have done an exceptional job on your story book thus far. I think the theme is great, and you did an amazing job of consistently carrying your theme throughout the entire story book. As far as the cover page goes, I really like it! I think the appeal of the cover page is enough to get a reader to want to read the stories. One the reader gets to the introduction, it will intrigue them even more. I know that one thing I really liked about your introduction is the picture choices you made and that there were several visual elements included. Additionally, I think you did a great job of introducing your main characters in your introduction. Also, I like the script style you used throughout each story. I think that is the perfect way to bring a trial to life through writing! The first story is great, I remember seeing just one typo though, you may want to read it aloud one more time. Other than that, I think you're a very talented writer and have done a great job. This is reflected through your other two stories as well. I must say, after reading all of these stories that I am starting to feel kind of bad for Cupid, and I almost feel like Venus should actually be the one on trial. She seems like a wretched woman. Overall you have done a great job and I am looking forward to finding out what the final verdict for cupid is. Great job and keep up the good work!
I’m back and have just read all three stories you’ve got written. Not only have you shown a really awesome grasp of Greek mythology and the gods and goddesses that populate the myths, but you’ve developed such a great character arc with the Storybook protagonist. You have done an excellent job establishing his attitude toward Cupid and slowly altering it with each new story and revelation of Cupid’s character. The protagonist is showing himself to be very dynamic and I’m interested to see what his final attitude toward Cupid will be in the end. When it’s all said and done, will he forgive Cupid, or will he leave the TV with a better understanding of the god but a lingering ambivalent attitude toward the way he operates? As it stands, things are looking really good for Cupid, so that must mean that there will a twist in the final story that will makes things interesting and probably make it less clear whether or not Cupid’s character is positive or negative. Although Cupid has a loving side, he’s still quite the love troll and so I’m curious to hear if there are other negative things that he has done that will be unearthed. I’m looking forward to your conclusion!
I had to come back again to hear more of your Storybook! Cupid is growing me...I did read the Cupid Psyche story in the Un-Textbook and I liked him in that story, too! He does do annoying things but I think he really does love Psyche and maybe their love can make him mature in his vengeful ways. Maybe he'll become a better person/god because of her. I really am hoping that Judge Poseidon lets him go...completely different from what I was hoping at the beginning of your Storybook! Ha! You really have kept up with this theme the entire way through and I still can't get over how creative this idea of yours for having Cupid on trial is! So original. I also want to know still if you think the person watching television is a girl or a boy. You had said in the beginning that you were leaving that up to us! I want to know what you imagined though! I can not wait until the ending story! Keep up the great work!
Colton, first off - I really like your background theme on your site with all the sparkly details that seem to fit cupid! Just as well, I think the graphic on your main page is just as fitting as well.
As for your introduction, I think you have a really unique idea! Using the theme of the trial to set up the readers is a really good way to peak their interest and get them reading. I especially like the way you turned it into an on TV trial and incorporated the person watching it and their feelings towards Cupid as well. It was also a great idea to lead into each character, who they were and what insight they would provide to the story to help build up the interest in what was coming in the stories.
As for your storybook stories, I read the last one about Cupid. I chose this one because I wanted to skip straight to the verdict to see what happened. Overall, I think you did a good job explaining his side of the story and gaining the reader's, as well as the TV viewer's, empathy for Cupid. The only suggestion I could possibly make is that there was not a whole lot of suspense built up leading to the verdict and maybe it would have more of an effect if the reader was clueless which way it might go before the judge decided he was innocent.
Either way, I think you told the story well and have a really great concept and theme behind your entire storybook! Great job!
I just finished reading the last two stories in your storybook project, and I have to say, you did a really great job! I am pretty sure I mentioned this the last time I commented on your storybook, but I really like the writing style you chose for your stories. Having the text setup like the manuscript from a play was very helpful in keeping all of the characters straight!
Also, you did a really nice job of keeping the stories concise. I was able to easily read them at a quick pace, and I found myself going back and forth between being on team Cupid and team Artemis. However, in the end, I am glad that Cupid did not get seriously punished! After all, if Cupid got locked up forever, then nobody would ever find their true love, right?! Haha.
As far as the person on the couch goes, I liked that you kept it a mystery as to whether it was a guy or a girl. I think it made it easier for the readers to identify with the character because they could picture themselves as being that character, or at least I could! Anyways, you did a really nice job, and I am glad I got to read all of your stories!
Hello Colton, I had recently read your storybook and it drove me crazy that I didn't know how it ended. For this reason, I decided to revisit it this week and find out what happened to Cupid. I must say that I really like how you decided to base the last story completely off of your own imagination. One thing I wish you would have mentioned was what became of the narrator. It ended with them just wishing they would find their true love, I wish you would have mentioned something about how since Cupid was let free, he was able to find the true love of the narrator and unite them. Other than that I think your storybook as a whole is great! It is very well written and creative. I think you worked very hard on it and it reflects through your writing. Great job, you should be proud of what you accomplished! Keep up the great work!
Hi, again Colton! I've really enjoyed following your storybook over the past few weeks and I have to say that I'm sad that its over! I was really anxious to check back after you posted your last story to hear both Cupid's side of the story and the final verdict. I wasn't sure if you were going to use a story that typically makes Cupid look bad and have him spin it so he looks like a good guy or if there was another story like Psyche's where he actually does help others. I was so surprised and impressed that you chose to create your own Cupid story. I thought that was so creative. I like that you gave this seemingly cruel trickster god a human side to show that he is not really playing with people's emotions (unless they mess with him first!) but waiting until certain people are ready for love. I think it's totally true that a lot of times we rush into "love" and relationships when we think we are ready but deep down we're just not so I like to think of Cupid as a caring soul that wishes to save people from the pain of losing their love. I ultimately liked that you kept the identity of the person on the couch ambiguous - I think it makes the entire scenario more relatable to everyone. A lot of the commentary and questions the person had were similar to things I myself may have been thinking as well. Your storybook was honestly one of my favorites and I think you did a really great job all the way through!
Katelynn, If you will go back to my Cupid story the very last sentence, above the last Cupid picture, is Cupid talking to the person on the couch. So Cupid does show up to help him out.
I remember really enjoying your storybook the first time I read, so I wanted to come back and see how Cupid is doing. I still think that your concept is really original, and it is a great way to discuss a character like Cupid. Last time I remember Jupiter complaining about how Cupid would always make him fall in love with mortals. I was excited to see what Venus and Psyche would have to say!
Naturally, Venus would get jealous of anyone that got more attention that she did, so it makes sense that she would send Cupid to ruin that mortal's life. Little did she know that Cupid would marry her. I know it seems like Cupid blatantly defied her, because he did, but I can't be that mad at him. He fell in love and wanted to be with the woman he cared about. How could Venus get mad at that?
This whole situation really sucks for Psyche. She is kind of cursed by her beauty. Lucky for her though, Psyche is there to get her out of any trouble that Venus has for her, even if he was the one that got her into trouble. This story goes to show that love is never easy, not even for gods and goddesses haha. Great job man!
I don't think I've read your storybook since the introduction and Jupiter's Story so it's really cool to see how it has progressed in since then! I forgot that you wrote it in a script format which I still think is really cool! And the guy watching the trial is totally relatable.
I read Cupid and Psyche way back at the beginning of this class so reading Venus' Story was really cool! I really liked reading a familiar story from a different point of view, and so personal. In Cupid and Psyche, Venus sounds really mean and jealous for pretty much no good reason, but in this story we understand her reasoning for being so mean and angry. But she's still pretty awful haha.
Cupid can be a bit of a pain in the side, but he loves Psyche so much that it kind of makes up for it. I read your last story and saw that the story came from "The 13 Biggest Assholes In Greek Mythology" which is so fitting for Cupid! He is such an ass haha.
Overall, I think you've done a really great job with this storybook!
This was good conclusion what’s been a really enjoyable storybook. In in the end I couldn’t imagine Cupid being punished given how the way the story was proceeding, and the accused does a good job capitalizing on the momentum going in his favor and explaining himself in a fair way. Cupid might be a troll, but he has a rationale for the things he does. The demand at the end that Cupid help people who are close but not quite ready for love also seemed an appropriate sentence for the god.
Since this story at its heart is about the narrator, I love how Cupid brings things to focus on his plight, along with the plights of all those people out there who resent not having been able to find their true love. Cupid pointing at the camera was a great way of handling this. The narrator’s transformation from one who hates Cupid to one who understands and even roots for his acquittal by the end was well done as well. Every story of yours did a good job developing the narrator’s character arc, such that by the end his change of heart felt authentic. Well-paced character development is one thing that I think really adds to a story’s appeal when it is centered on one character, and I think you did this very well in your storybook. It was a pleasure to read.
Hi Colton! This is my first time reading your storybook and I thought it was awesome! I really like the style of your storybook of Cupid on Trial. The TV court setting is a genius and creative idea! The whole layout of your site looks good! I did not have trouble reading the font or find the background overwhelming to see. I like the picture you chose for the coverpage. I actually read the story of Psyche and Cupid beginning of the semester, but I don’t remember ever seeing that picture. It is really nice!
As for your introduction, it is really good! I got a very clear understanding of what your storybook would be about without getting any spoilers. In addition, I wasn’t bored at all! I like how you added multiple pictures throughout the introduction too. Also, the characters you chose to speak up in trial are perfect! I have a quite bit of Greek and Roman mythology knowledge from taking Latin in high school so when I saw the characters you chose, I got really excited.
As for your stories, they are all written very well! I did not find any grammatical errors or find any trouble following your storybook.
I'm really glad that I got to read about how Cupid's trial ended. I still think that this is one of the more original storybook ideas that I've read so far! If only the super high profile trials were always televised. It'd be a lot more entertaining than watching paternity test results on Jerry Springer haha. I don't think Cupid ever really broke any laws, but he was on trial. So what if we just put celebrities on trial, and tried to determine if they were huge jerks or not? I mean... imagine if we put Kanye West on trial just to determine if he was an arrogant jerk or just a misunderstood genius haha. I think we all know how that verdict would go haha.
Anyways, I really liked your last story about Cupid. It does a lot to redeem his character, and I'm glad you decided to use your own story to make it happen. I liked the way that used his speech to talk about the nature of love, and how most people want it before they are ready for it. I'm also glad that your narrator was able to be content with being single. It was a really hopeful way to end the story. Nice work man!
Your site looks pretty good. The cover page picture pretty much captures the idea behind Cupid, and the caption does a good job explaining him to the mythologically uninitiated. The pictures on the introduction page are also well-chosen and give the audience a good mental image of some of the characters they will be dealing with.
ReplyDeleteNow moving onto content. You had me with "Judge Poseidon.” What an awesome concept! I love how you play off the idea of modern court dramas with this storybook premise. It’s really cool how you show mainly the dialogue being spoken on the drama and let much of the actual physical details being shown on it get filtered through the descriptions of the narrator. The narrator’s voice, in my opinion, is the shining point of your introduction. I love his attitude, and how his bias against Cupid colors his view of the events occurring on the show. You also seem to be well caught up with your Greek mythology, given how you have all the right set pieces in place with regards to gods and goddesses that have some manner of affiliation with Cupid. Overall, I am really looking forward to seeing the direction you take this storybook. I’m especially eager to read more of the snarky commentary by the narrator as he watches the trial progress.
Hi Colton. Upon clicking on you page. I thought that you have done a great job so far. I use of background and pictures is amazing. It really goes hand in hand. I really like the simplicity of you choices yet keeping it very elegant for the story genre you have chosen. Great use of image on your home page.
ReplyDeleteI also like the text you have used as it is very easy to read as you are not leaving your readers sitting there trying to make up the words. Your introduction is spot on! I really enjoyed how you have opened it with a story right away. The use of the tv over voice as breaking news is phenomenal. Also I liked how you opened your story with questions and also setting the time of year. Great job. The essence of revenge in your introduction is also very thrilling. It makes you asks questions like “ wow is it that bad that he/she wants to see cupid go down because he failed to show?” it really makes you want to read on. One thing that really stood out to me is how you wrote the dialect between the characters. You set it up like reading a script. All in all I think you have done a great job so far.
Hello. I really like your Storybook. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Introduction. I didn't jump into the first story yet, as I figure I will save it for later in the semester. I didn't read this story during the Greek mythology unit, so it was definitely a new story for me to explore. I thought the introduction was a great setup and was a cool way to get the ball rolling on the story. However, I'm really confused as to who the narrator is and the desire to know who it is is bugging the crap out of me.
ReplyDeleteI also really like the way it is scripted out. Not like a novel, but more of the minutes of an actual court case. However, my only catch is that the narrator's thoughts don't necessarily fit into the scripted format. Other than that, it is a great start, and I look forward to the rest of your Storybook the rest of the semester. Keep up the good work!
Hey Colton, I visited your storybook project page today and was able to read both the introduction and Jupiter's Story. Firstly I thought your template and the title were very fitting for the overall project. I love the television show format and especially the storyline that goes along with it, the person who is watching the show. I also read the unit on Cupid and Psyche and enjoyed the storyline very much, and I can see how you assumed cupid's acts. I thought it was pretty neat how you left the gender of the person watching the television show up to the reader; it's nice to be able to be creative and make the story our own. Cupid is such a classic character, its refreshing to see him being accused and on trial for being a trickster and using his power (arrows) for selfish acts. In addition, I felt that your author’s note greatly helped the reader understand your vision for the storybook. I know it provided valuable information for those that have not read Cupid and Psyche. I cannot wait to see what Venus will have to say about Cupid’s acts and if Cupid will be guilty or not?!
ReplyDeleteColton, the very first sentence of your story captured my attention! I had previously thought, based off the cover page and title that this would be about Cupid and his love stories. However, you turned it into what seems to be a great comedy ahead. The introduction was very funny and relatable. I think all of us at some point have been in those shoes! There are so many that wonder why we have not been shot by cupids arrow so I think you are going to have a lot of readers that are on the narrators side! You did a great job on hinting at what was going to happen through out your storybook in the future without giving too much detail. The first story was interesting because it was Cupid’s dad going against him in trial. How different! I think it is good that you used people to be witnesses in trial that know first hand how cupid is and that he has affected them as well. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the witness’ stories and to see what the verdict is by the judge. I hope they can put Cupid away forever so he can stop using his arrows for bad!
ReplyDeleteSo I am just now getting back to you on a comment that you had left me on 9/26 (I'm sorry, I am scattered brained at times)! Just as a reminder, you asked me if the challenges that I had included in my week 6 storytelling (The Monkey Wife) were my own or taken from the original tale. The challenges, making the food and the robe, were my own but the robe was inspired by the original tale where the king asked for decorative clothing. I came up with the food idea since I love to cook, and I had already talked about bananas in the story. Again, I am so sorry that I am getting back to you now, but thank you for being engaged and interested in my story! It shows me that you were thinking beyond the text!
I really like the background and image that you have chosen for your cover page! I read the unit Cupid and Psyche the second week of class, and I am excited to see what you have in mind for you Storybook!
ReplyDeleteThe style you have chosen for your story is one that I have not seen, good job on creativity! The layout of the text reminds me of reading a play. I definitely feel sorry for whoever is watching the broadcast, and it is very interesting to see Cupid put on trial for all the infidelity and heartbreak that he has caused.
I know which part you are talking about, in you author’s note, where Jupiter is granting Cupid and Psyche their marriage although Cupid has hurt him many times. The unit of Cupid and Psyche is a pretty large one. The fact that you could take such a small conversation, and turn it into a new story was great! You did a great job, and I like how you left the person on the couch anonymous. This allows the reader to imagine themselves in their position.
Hi Colton, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the helpful feedback you have given me in your comments! You have commented on a couple of my post and the feedback is always very thorough and specific. This has helped me notice small things that could really change my story or essay that I've written. Thank you again!
ReplyDeleteThanks colton for your comments on my Moon King story. It was cool that we kinda wrote about the same topic. Thank you for all your feedback and I am looking to read more of your stories.
ReplyDeleteHey Colton, the first thing I notice when your storybook loaded was the background image. I think it is very fitting for your topic. When I think of Cupid, there is always a sense of mystery surrounding. Your background picture of stars depicts that well. It also makes me think of people who get lost in admiration of the stars themselves. I really like the caption on top of the picture that you included on your cover page. It does a good job of describing how you want to convey cupid in a short amount of words. After reading the introduction I was a little confused as to why Cupid was on trial. I am not that knowledgeable on Cupid so I don't really know of what his mischief's are. Maybe you could include a listing of charges being brought against him so as the reader I understand what the upcoming stories will be about. I found the style that you are writing the storybook to be both extremely creative and intriguing. It is like a Judge Judy show.
ReplyDeleteIn the introduction you say that Venus and Jupiter are Cupid's parents. However, in Jupiter's story, he says that "Cupid is like a son to me." So are Jupiter and Venus really his parents? Or do they just know Cupid really well. Jupiter's story gives a good account of how Cupid hurts the people around him. Overall I really like the idea of your storybook! I am interested to see how it continues!
Hi, Colton! I'm not actually in your storybook group, but when I saw the title of your storybook, I couldn't resist! I've always felt that Cupid was a bit of a jerk, I mean all of the gods and goddesses have their moments, but he really likes to toy with people's emotions so it was funny to see that he was going to be held accountable for his mischief. All joking aside, I think you did a wonderful job with your storybook as a whole. I think my favorite part, though, is your use of the person on the couch who serves as a sort of Greek chorus throughout the courtroom drama. I like how you've used him to give commentary on the action - it allows me as a reader to really consider the story from each has as the person has. There is no clearly guilty party in this tale which the person seems to recognize, so his commentary and inner struggle helps the reader to decide for him or herself. I also really like the images you've used of the different gods. I really like to be able to picture characters as I am reading stories, so your images were really helpful. I truly enjoyed your storybook and I will be sure to check in soon to hear the verdict!
ReplyDeleteI really like your storybook idea. I can definitely relate to the character watching TV haha. I read Cupid and Psyche way back in the beginning of this semester so I don't remember everything but I think you did a really good job. I like that it's like a Judge Judy kind of show, at least that's what it reminds me of. Since your main character is very relatable in your introduction it definitely made me want to keep reading to find out what happens. I also like that you used voice-over and plenty of detail so it was like watching it with this person.
I also read your first story, Jupiter's Story. This is the part of Cupid and Psyche that I can sort of remember. I really like how you are telling it from Jupiter's point of view. In Cupid and Psyche, Cupid sounds like such a sweet guy that just disobeys his mother by marrying a human but he's actually a bit of a jerk. It's nice to see how they felt during this time.
I like your coverpage too. I like that the image portrays Cupid as really nice but he's on trial for torturing people. The glittery stars background is also very fitting for Cupid.
Overall, good job!
ReplyDeleteThis whole story book has me hooked. I really like the way you have your website set up. It feels kind of other worldly, which is what I would expect from a TV show about the Greek gods. The photo on your cover page already makes me think that Cupid is a trouble maker, because he definitely looks like he is up to something. I was really excited to see what your introduction would set up.
Your idea of a lonely mortal watching Cupid be put on trial on Valentine's day is awesome. Everyone wants to blame someone else for problems in their love lives, so why wouldn't they want to blame Cupid, the god of love. I like that you have the mortal commenting on the show as it plays out. I think we all comment on whatever we're watching, whether we say it out loud or not haha. The only thing that I'd say about your Introduction is that you mix the Greek and Roman names for the gods. Poseidon is Greek, but Jupiter is Roman. Just a thought, because I really liked your Introduciton.
I also liked Jupiter as the first witness. As the most powerful god, you'd think that he would have easily been able to overcome Cupid. However, I guess the saying is true that love conquers all haha. The dialogue and everything else you're doing is great. Keep it up!
I thought it was very fitting to put Cupid on trial on Valentine’s Day on a court-TV style show. The entire scenario is perfect and so relatable because I sometimes find myself watching ridiculous television and being lazy when I have too much free time.
ReplyDeleteThe notes in italics depicting what is going through the narrator’s mind are absolutely perfect. I was just picturing someone eating ice cream on their couch when they said, “I really need to pull my life together.” Very humorous!
Have you thought about getting pictures in a courtroom? That might add to the realism of the story. The entire idea of Cupid torturing people with love is relatable to many people in our generation because it seems like everyone our age has made it their priority to find a spouse and some of them tend to blame outside factors on whether or not they are with someone. Especially in young women and the influence of romantic comedies.
In true reality court television form, you have a twist in which Cupid’s mother is to blame for his bad behavior. However, will the court blame Cupid for his actions or let him off due to his mother’s influence? I am interested to find out!
Hi Colton!
ReplyDeleteI love your Storybook so far! The way you set it up as being in a courtroom is brilliant! I like the use of court jargon and the case against Cupid itself is awesome! I especially love your Storybook because I think everyone secretly hates Cupid for their love problems or lack thereof. Deep down, we always scapegoat Cupid. He very much so deserves to stand trial. I really hope Hera loses the case...even though she's freaking awesome and confident. I do think that using Venus against Cupid is a great idea because when a mother testifies against her son, you know without a doubt that the situation is dire. So crazy. In your author's not you said that you left the gender of the couch person open to interpretation. I was kind of surprised when I read that because the entire time I was reading, I thought it was a guy sitting there and I could have sworn you had said it was a male. I went back to double check and sure enough, you hadn't said anything about the person! Haha I can also imagine this as a Judge Judy scene. Everything in your Storybook is playing out in my head perfectly! You're doing an awesome job and I really can't wait to find out the fate of Cupid and whether or not Jupiter will be able to punish the arrow shooter ever again!
Hey Colton!
ReplyDeleteI am glad I got the opportunity to look through your storybook project! I picked your project as my free choice this week because I was very intrigued by the title. Putting Cupid, someone who a lot of people might admire for bringing lovers together, on trial is a very interesting and creative idea. I really like the picture and the background that you chose for your cover page, they are really fitting for the Cupid theme.
You did a really nice job of pulling me in with your introduction! I liked that you set the stage by introducing the prosecution’s and the defense’s witnesses. Also, I like the writing style you have chosen. Setting up the dialogue and everything as it would be in a script of a play makes it very easy to follow along and know exactly who is speaking. This was very helpful since there are quite a few different characters!
I read through both of your stories and really enjoyed both of them. You did a good job of keeping the stories concise and to the point without depriving the reader of important or descriptive details. You have done a wonderful job so far, and I am looking forward to reading the remaining two stories!
There was just one little thing that I found that needed to be fixed. In the first story, the second sentence of Jupiter’s story, the word “come” should be changed to “came”. I had to really nitpick to find that, so good job!
Hi Colton! Your storybook is one I have to comment on this week. Since I have not read your storybook before, I am going to be commenting on your coverpage, introduction, and first story. First, I really like the color scheme and background to your storybook. I think the starry scene goes greatly with your story about Cupid being on trial. I also really like that your storybook is set up in such a way that makes me feel like I am the person sitting on the couch watching this trial go down on TV, and after reading your Author's Note, that seems to be the way you wanted it to be. And you are right, not specifying the gender of the person watching the trial on TV allows for everyone to be able to relate to this story. I like that you set up your storybook in your introduction by telling us who was going to be on trial but not necessarily telling us why. That was a great way to allow for mystery and drawing the reader in! I also like that there was back and forth dialogue between the people and the court room, and the person sitting on the couch kept adding their two cents! Haha reminds me of people who talk to the TV or themselves. I only read Jupiter's story, but I like that the storybook is set up to where each page in your storybook will be a page about someone testifying in the trial for Cupid. Great job on your storybook so far and I can't wait to read more!
ReplyDeleteHi Colton, I think the scheme you chose for your storybook is really good in relation to Cupid. It is mystical and reminds me of the love cherub. I like the image you chose for your coverpage and the description since I loved that unit a lot! Maybe using a purple text color would go better with the color scheme instead of the blue, just to match things a little bit. The introduction is very unique. It is a style I have not seen yet so I am intrigued as to the narrator’s thoughts and the way you’ve set up the T.V. voices. I like that the narrator does not like Cupid and it being Valentine’s Day really adds to the extra bitterness.
ReplyDeleteThe first story made me feel so bad for poor Jupiter. He seems like a genuine parent and Cupid is such a trouble maker! For Venus’ story I definitely remember the original so I think it is interesting that you wrote her character in a way that wasn’t so brutal! I like that you still kept some of the details though from the original and made it clear that Cupid did not follow orders and married Psyche!
I think you have a really unique storybook! It is unlike any others I have read so far and I am interested in reading more.
Hey Colton! Your coverpage looks pretty good, and I'm glad you've chosen a more classical image to go along with it. By the way, is there anyway you can reduce the amount of white that's displayed around the image? It'd be nice if you could get to use some of the space that is unused.
ReplyDeleteIn your introduction, I like how you use italics to delineate where you are speaking as a spectator. Such a technique works well as it is not clunky. Since the story is taking place on a television show, I understand why you included descriptions of what the characters were physically doing between lines of dialogue. At first I was a little skeptical, but now I have become more comfortable with it.
It's interesting to see how Cupid could have such an effect over the ruler of the gods. I like how you describe the anguish he experienced as "torture." I think it's appropriate given the circumstances surrounding Cupid's motivations. By the way, is there any reason you chose Poseidon as the judge? I was half-expecting to see Jupiter up there on the bench. Still, I don't think that's something you need to change, necessarily. Good work!
I like your intro! I think that the style is pretty unique, what with the reader viewing what happens on the TV while the narrator interjects from time to time with his thoughts. Also, it’s pretty funny that the narrator completely hates Cupid, and it makes me curious whether his wish will come true and Cupid will lose the trial.
ReplyDeleteI liked Jupiter’s testimony, and I actually thought that you retold one of Jupiter’s stories of his dealings with Cupid until I read the author’s note. You had Cupid come up with a pretty inventive punishment for Venus and Jupiter, and I thought it really worked here! His testimony does make Cupid seem like a bad person, which is what the prosecution is obviously going for. As for the dialogue on the television, it flowed well and sounded natural. And the internal dialogue of the narrator added humor to the situation.
As for the second story, I thought it was interesting (though it was too bad that the narrator didn’t have as many chances to interject with his thoughts). When I read it, I thought that Venus was just being her fairly egotistical and prideful self when she testified for the prosecution, accidently making Cupid look good. But it makes sense that she made herself look bad on purpose (the wink should have probably tipped me off) for the reasons you said in your author’s note.
Another thing…I don’t mean to be rude, and it’s not something that I realized until the end of reading all three stories, but half the names of the characters are Roman and half are Greek. It’s really not obvious, so I don’t think it really matters whether or not you stick with one civilization. I just thought I’d point it out.
Anyways, this was really good overall! Keep it up!
Colton, you made some good choices on your cover page. The sparkly background was eye-catching, but not distracting. The image you chose was interesting and suitable for your storybook theme. The font was nothing fancy, but it was very readable, which I appreciated. The introduction, which you set up as an outsider watching Cupid’s trial on television, read really smoothly and made it clear where the stories in your story book were probably going to head. I’m glad you included the italicized thoughts or inner monologue of the narrator. I think that brought some life to your introduction. I appreciate that you included multiple images as well.
ReplyDeleteI liked how your stories seemed like natural continuations of your introduction. That being said, all the things I liked about your introduction were things I liked about your stories as well. You included pictures, internal monologue, actions that were happening on the television, etc. Your stories/testimonies were pretty convincing. I’m glad you included your author’s notes. Those helped clear up the issues I had while reading your stories. You wrote Cupid to seem like a true troublemaker, and this makes the readers sympathetic for all those he has hurt, especially Jupiter.
ReplyDeleteI love what you did with your storybook to put Cupid on trail for his wrongdoings. Your introduction was very clever in having it be a T.V. show with a lonely person on Valentine's day becoming engrossed in the trail. You did an excellent job of switching back a forth and not having the reader get confused. By putting the TV viewer's thoughts in italics it helps separate it from the trail. It was also smart to include the parenthesis when describing the proceedings of the court trail and the actions of the judge. Your introduction set the scene perfectly for the stories to come.
I read the Psyche's Story for this week so will provide my feedback on that story. I like how you had the comments of the characters with their names and colons rather than quoting each person and trying to make it dialogue within a story. It definitely helped to make the reading less difficult to follow. One suggestion would be to maybe put the picture captions at the bottom, or put another line of space between the caption and the story. The caption was pretty close to the rest of the story and it looks somewhat crowded. But that is just a minor suggestion. I like how you took the story and kept true to the events but shed it in a light to reflect how each characters interprets the events. I also liked how you continued to include the lonely TV viewer's comments to the trial and set them apart in italics. Great job!
I really like how your introduction page is positioned. I think that you did a great job of allowing the reader to know your theme right away. I like that your picture is centered so it doesn’t draw the eye to the side awkwardly. I also like your color scheme. I think it was beneficial to pick pink and reds, since the story is about cupid.
ReplyDeleteI love your introduction post and how you were able to introduce so many key characters so quickly. I think all of the pictures you included on this page were great because they allowed the reader to visualize who is being brought to the stand on the witness list. I really like your theme so far and I think its great that you thought to put cupid on the stand for all of his wrongdoings against humanity, especially on Valentines Day!
I love how you have chosen to write in a court sense. I think that since the reader constantly knows who is talking is very strengthening to your story. I think it allows clarity and also makes the story a lot easier to follow. In Jupiter’s story I think it is great that there was a whole story presented showing how cupid had been misusing his powers. I also love how Poseidon is the judge, you always think of him as being a very powerful god. So I find it to be very fitting that he is the one in charge. Overall great job, I had a lot of fun reading your storybook!
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ReplyDeleteHey Colton! I decided to do the extra credit commenting on the storybooks this week, and because I have already read and commented on your cover page, introduction and first story about Jupiter, I read the second story and will be commenting on that. I like that you picked up in the second story where you left off in the first story. I created a great flow throughout your storybook. I also like the back and forth between what the character is watching on TV and the comments about everything going on in the trial against Cupid. I love getting to hear the personal thoughts of the character, especially when they are struggling with whether they think Cupid deserves punishment for what he has done. You have done a great job so far on your storybook and I can't wait to read the rest of it. I see you already have your third story so I will definitely will be back to read that another time!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi again, Colton! I decided to revisit your storybook for my free choice this week because I had so much fun reading it before! I was so glad that you added the story of Cupid and Psyche as told by Psyche. It really does give a totally different outlook on Cupid who is usually just portrayed as this jerk who liked to mess with people's emotions for his own enjoyment or revenge. Here we see that Cupid does actually does have the capacity to truly care for someone else and I really like what you've done with the person on the couch who seems to be realizing that no one is every completely bad. I love how the person on the couch, in general, serves as a sort of inner monologue of all the different ethical aspects of the trial. You've done a wonderful job going back and forth as far as evidence and stories that could either incriminate or absolve Cupid. It is also really great that you've set up the last story to be by Cupid himself. It's clear that this will be either the make or break point so I absolutely can't wait to come back and read what the verdict will be! Your storybook is positively addicting! Great Work!
ReplyDeleteHi Colton!
ReplyDeleteI'm back! I haven't been to your storybook since Jupiter's testimony and the Introduction. You've done a great job developing your storybook and keeping up with the theme of a TV show! I didn't have to reread your introduction like I do with some other storybooks. I remembered that you had your main character sitting on the couch watching TV on Valentine's Day! It's a very distinctive situation you have set up. I was hoping that Venus would have thrown Cupid under the bus, too, but you have a point in your Author's Note saying that what mother could do that to her son. True point. Also, Venus is a little mean from all the stories I have read about her....maybe she deserves whatever is coming to her and her son. She might be beautiful but she sure has an ugly attitude! I think you're doing a fantastic job and please keep up the good work! I'll be back for the rest of your stories!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read your storybook yet! I really enjoyed the unit on Cupid so I'm so excited to read more about your take on the topic in this storybook. Your overall look of your blog is good. It is simple and easy to follow so that is definitely good. I think you have a great use of images as well. I rarely use more than one image per story, but I thought your use of more than one is really good!
Your introduction was awesome. It was a different writing style than what I have ever read so it was very interesting. I liked that you took it as a TV interview in a courtroom, rather than just a story in a book. This made your introduction very fun to read and kept my interest.
The stories in your storybook are also really great. I loved that you weren't afraid to make these ancient Greek stories more modern through the use of your unique writing style in your book. I am always so afraid to change the plots of stories, but I liked that you were able to expand on these stories in your storybook. Great job!
ReplyDeleteI must say that you have done an exceptional job on your story book thus far. I think the theme is great, and you did an amazing job of consistently carrying your theme throughout the entire story book.
As far as the cover page goes, I really like it! I think the appeal of the cover page is enough to get a reader to want to read the stories. One the reader gets to the introduction, it will intrigue them even more. I know that one thing I really liked about your introduction is the picture choices you made and that there were several visual elements included. Additionally, I think you did a great job of introducing your main characters in your introduction. Also, I like the script style you used throughout each story. I think that is the perfect way to bring a trial to life through writing!
The first story is great, I remember seeing just one typo though, you may want to read it aloud one more time. Other than that, I think you're a very talented writer and have done a great job. This is reflected through your other two stories as well. I must say, after reading all of these stories that I am starting to feel kind of bad for Cupid, and I almost feel like Venus should actually be the one on trial. She seems like a wretched woman.
Overall you have done a great job and I am looking forward to finding out what the final verdict for cupid is. Great job and keep up the good work!
I’m back and have just read all three stories you’ve got written. Not only have you shown a really awesome grasp of Greek mythology and the gods and goddesses that populate the myths, but you’ve developed such a great character arc with the Storybook protagonist. You have done an excellent job establishing his attitude toward Cupid and slowly altering it with each new story and revelation of Cupid’s character. The protagonist is showing himself to be very dynamic and I’m interested to see what his final attitude toward Cupid will be in the end. When it’s all said and done, will he forgive Cupid, or will he leave the TV with a better understanding of the god but a lingering ambivalent attitude toward the way he operates? As it stands, things are looking really good for Cupid, so that must mean that there will a twist in the final story that will makes things interesting and probably make it less clear whether or not Cupid’s character is positive or negative. Although Cupid has a loving side, he’s still quite the love troll and so I’m curious to hear if there are other negative things that he has done that will be unearthed. I’m looking forward to your conclusion!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHola again!
ReplyDeleteI had to come back again to hear more of your Storybook! Cupid is growing me...I did read the Cupid Psyche story in the Un-Textbook and I liked him in that story, too! He does do annoying things but I think he really does love Psyche and maybe their love can make him mature in his vengeful ways. Maybe he'll become a better person/god because of her. I really am hoping that Judge Poseidon lets him go...completely different from what I was hoping at the beginning of your Storybook! Ha! You really have kept up with this theme the entire way through and I still can't get over how creative this idea of yours for having Cupid on trial is! So original. I also want to know still if you think the person watching television is a girl or a boy. You had said in the beginning that you were leaving that up to us! I want to know what you imagined though! I can not wait until the ending story! Keep up the great work!
I have answered that question at the end of my last story that I just uploaded in the author's note.
DeleteColton, first off - I really like your background theme on your site with all the sparkly details that seem to fit cupid! Just as well, I think the graphic on your main page is just as fitting as well.
DeleteAs for your introduction, I think you have a really unique idea! Using the theme of the trial to set up the readers is a really good way to peak their interest and get them reading. I especially like the way you turned it into an on TV trial and incorporated the person watching it and their feelings towards Cupid as well. It was also a great idea to lead into each character, who they were and what insight they would provide to the story to help build up the interest in what was coming in the stories.
As for your storybook stories, I read the last one about Cupid. I chose this one because I wanted to skip straight to the verdict to see what happened. Overall, I think you did a good job explaining his side of the story and gaining the reader's, as well as the TV viewer's, empathy for Cupid. The only suggestion I could possibly make is that there was not a whole lot of suspense built up leading to the verdict and maybe it would have more of an effect if the reader was clueless which way it might go before the judge decided he was innocent.
Either way, I think you told the story well and have a really great concept and theme behind your entire storybook! Great job!
Hi, Colton.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading the last two stories in your storybook project, and I have to say, you did a really great job! I am pretty sure I mentioned this the last time I commented on your storybook, but I really like the writing style you chose for your stories. Having the text setup like the manuscript from a play was very helpful in keeping all of the characters straight!
Also, you did a really nice job of keeping the stories concise. I was able to easily read them at a quick pace, and I found myself going back and forth between being on team Cupid and team Artemis. However, in the end, I am glad that Cupid did not get seriously punished! After all, if Cupid got locked up forever, then nobody would ever find their true love, right?! Haha.
As far as the person on the couch goes, I liked that you kept it a mystery as to whether it was a guy or a girl. I think it made it easier for the readers to identify with the character because they could picture themselves as being that character, or at least I could! Anyways, you did a really nice job, and I am glad I got to read all of your stories!
Hello Colton, I had recently read your storybook and it drove me crazy that I didn't know how it ended. For this reason, I decided to revisit it this week and find out what happened to Cupid. I must say that I really like how you decided to base the last story completely off of your own imagination. One thing I wish you would have mentioned was what became of the narrator. It ended with them just wishing they would find their true love, I wish you would have mentioned something about how since Cupid was let free, he was able to find the true love of the narrator and unite them. Other than that I think your storybook as a whole is great! It is very well written and creative. I think you worked very hard on it and it reflects through your writing. Great job, you should be proud of what you accomplished! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteHi, again Colton! I've really enjoyed following your storybook over the past few weeks and I have to say that I'm sad that its over! I was really anxious to check back after you posted your last story to hear both Cupid's side of the story and the final verdict. I wasn't sure if you were going to use a story that typically makes Cupid look bad and have him spin it so he looks like a good guy or if there was another story like Psyche's where he actually does help others. I was so surprised and impressed that you chose to create your own Cupid story. I thought that was so creative. I like that you gave this seemingly cruel trickster god a human side to show that he is not really playing with people's emotions (unless they mess with him first!) but waiting until certain people are ready for love. I think it's totally true that a lot of times we rush into "love" and relationships when we think we are ready but deep down we're just not so I like to think of Cupid as a caring soul that wishes to save people from the pain of losing their love. I ultimately liked that you kept the identity of the person on the couch ambiguous - I think it makes the entire scenario more relatable to everyone. A lot of the commentary and questions the person had were similar to things I myself may have been thinking as well. Your storybook was honestly one of my favorites and I think you did a really great job all the way through!
DeleteKatelynn, If you will go back to my Cupid story the very last sentence, above the last Cupid picture, is Cupid talking to the person on the couch. So Cupid does show up to help him out.
DeleteHey Colton,
ReplyDeleteI remember really enjoying your storybook the first time I read, so I wanted to come back and see how Cupid is doing. I still think that your concept is really original, and it is a great way to discuss a character like Cupid. Last time I remember Jupiter complaining about how Cupid would always make him fall in love with mortals. I was excited to see what Venus and Psyche would have to say!
Naturally, Venus would get jealous of anyone that got more attention that she did, so it makes sense that she would send Cupid to ruin that mortal's life. Little did she know that Cupid would marry her. I know it seems like Cupid blatantly defied her, because he did, but I can't be that mad at him. He fell in love and wanted to be with the woman he cared about. How could Venus get mad at that?
This whole situation really sucks for Psyche. She is kind of cursed by her beauty. Lucky for her though, Psyche is there to get her out of any trouble that Venus has for her, even if he was the one that got her into trouble. This story goes to show that love is never easy, not even for gods and goddesses haha. Great job man!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've read your storybook since the introduction and Jupiter's Story so it's really cool to see how it has progressed in since then! I forgot that you wrote it in a script format which I still think is really cool! And the guy watching the trial is totally relatable.
I read Cupid and Psyche way back at the beginning of this class so reading Venus' Story was really cool! I really liked reading a familiar story from a different point of view, and so personal. In Cupid and Psyche, Venus sounds really mean and jealous for pretty much no good reason, but in this story we understand her reasoning for being so mean and angry. But she's still pretty awful haha.
Cupid can be a bit of a pain in the side, but he loves Psyche so much that it kind of makes up for it. I read your last story and saw that the story came from "The 13 Biggest Assholes In Greek Mythology" which is so fitting for Cupid! He is such an ass haha.
Overall, I think you've done a really great job with this storybook!
This was good conclusion what’s been a really enjoyable storybook. In in the end I couldn’t imagine Cupid being punished given how the way the story was proceeding, and the accused does a good job capitalizing on the momentum going in his favor and explaining himself in a fair way. Cupid might be a troll, but he has a rationale for the things he does. The demand at the end that Cupid help people who are close but not quite ready for love also seemed an appropriate sentence for the god.
ReplyDeleteSince this story at its heart is about the narrator, I love how Cupid brings things to focus on his plight, along with the plights of all those people out there who resent not having been able to find their true love. Cupid pointing at the camera was a great way of handling this. The narrator’s transformation from one who hates Cupid to one who understands and even roots for his acquittal by the end was well done as well. Every story of yours did a good job developing the narrator’s character arc, such that by the end his change of heart felt authentic. Well-paced character development is one thing that I think really adds to a story’s appeal when it is centered on one character, and I think you did this very well in your storybook. It was a pleasure to read.
Hi Colton! This is my first time reading your storybook and I thought it was awesome! I really like the style of your storybook of Cupid on Trial. The TV court setting is a genius and creative idea! The whole layout of your site looks good! I did not have trouble reading the font or find the background overwhelming to see. I like the picture you chose for the coverpage. I actually read the story of Psyche and Cupid beginning of the semester, but I don’t remember ever seeing that picture. It is really nice!
ReplyDeleteAs for your introduction, it is really good! I got a very clear understanding of what your storybook would be about without getting any spoilers. In addition, I wasn’t bored at all! I like how you added multiple pictures throughout the introduction too. Also, the characters you chose to speak up in trial are perfect! I have a quite bit of Greek and Roman mythology knowledge from taking Latin in high school so when I saw the characters you chose, I got really excited.
As for your stories, they are all written very well! I did not find any grammatical errors or find any trouble following your storybook.
Overall, I think you did an awesome job!
Hey Colton,
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad that I got to read about how Cupid's trial ended. I still think that this is one of the more original storybook ideas that I've read so far! If only the super high profile trials were always televised. It'd be a lot more entertaining than watching paternity test results on Jerry Springer haha. I don't think Cupid ever really broke any laws, but he was on trial. So what if we just put celebrities on trial, and tried to determine if they were huge jerks or not? I mean... imagine if we put Kanye West on trial just to determine if he was an arrogant jerk or just a misunderstood genius haha. I think we all know how that verdict would go haha.
Anyways, I really liked your last story about Cupid. It does a lot to redeem his character, and I'm glad you decided to use your own story to make it happen. I liked the way that used his speech to talk about the nature of love, and how most people want it before they are ready for it. I'm also glad that your narrator was able to be content with being single. It was a really hopeful way to end the story. Nice work man!